Bladder Training

Bladder training is a method to gradually increase your bladder capacity and lengthen the time between trips to the bathroom. After successful bladder training, you should be able to hold more urine and go to the bathroom after longer periods of time. Initially, start with your shortest voiding interval and create a schedule to go to the bathroom at that interval. For example, if your shortest voiding interval is 1 hour, then set a reminder to go void every hour. 

If you develop the urge to void before the target time, use one of several urge suppression techniques listed on the next page. This includes distraction, meditation, and "quick flicks". When you can comfortably reach your target interval for several days in a row, go ahead and increase the interval. If you're having trouble making it to the bathroom at your target interval, shorten your target interval and try again. A reasonable interval to increase or decrease by is 15 minutes. 

Download this worksheet to help you track your bladder training progress. The worksheet will help you track your target voiding intervals, the number of targets met vs. total voids, your daily maximum bladder capacity (the most you were able to void in one setting), and the number of times you had to wake up to void. 

Click here to learn about urge suppression techniques.