Welcome to Bladder Trainer!

This website was designed to help those who suffer from overactive bladder (OAB). Here you can learn more about OAB, as well as the various treatment options. Bladder Trainer focuses on teaching you how to control your bladder through behavioral modification by providing you with a wide range of tools and techniques to help you gain control. You can also find information regarding medical and surgical methods. 

Behavioral therapies such as bladder training are recognized as first line methods for treating OAB. There are essentially no risks involved and treatment efficacy has been demonstrated in many studies. It is important to consult a doctor or health care professional before starting bladder training to rule out a urinary tract infection or any other medical conditions that could mimic OAB or make treatment more complicated.

Even if you don't have overactive bladder, you might find the information gathered here invaluable. After all, no one ever gave you a user's manual for your bladder, but you use it all the time. Why not learn to take control of it? 


What is Overactive Bladder?

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Overactive bladder (OAB) is a condition in which one experiences undesired urges to urinate when the bladder is not yet full. Some people also experience urinary incontinence (UI), accidental urine leakage, along with OAB. Over 30 million people in the United States have been diagnosed with overactive bladder and it is estimated that up to 40% of all women and 30% of all men experience OAB symptoms. The exact cause of OAB is not entirely understood, but what we do know is that the bladder muscle, called the destrusor, contracts inappropriately when the bladder is still filling, causing one to feel the urge to void at various times throughout the day and night. This can significantly decrease one's quality of life personally, socially, and professionally. Many people do not pursue treatment for OAB because they are embarrassed, don't know what treatment options are available, or aren't asked about their symptoms by their doctors. Fortunately, there are various treatments, including behavioral modification, medications, and surgery.


Bladder Trainer App for iPhone

Your smart phone can be your biggest ally in the fight to regain control of your bladder!
-Voiding diary
-Bladder training with customizable discrete messages and alarms to help you time your voids
-Dietary and fluid management
-Various urge suppression tools including distraction and quick flicks